Sunday, May 23, 2010

keeper of dreams

We had our monthly Millworks meeting today.  As I sat there on the back porch of our common house (our common house, in need of some remodeling, is the house that "came with" the property) enjoying the sun on my back while I simultaneously cared for my baby and listened to the ensuing conversation about appraisals and delayed ground breaking, I realized that there is no way this isn't going to happen.  No way I say!  The people surrounding me this afternoon are my future neighbors.  They are good people.  We all share this dream.  It's remarkable how well we get along, how well we deal with these challenges, how we share the patience/frustration/excitement of this project.  I love our differences as much as I love our shared vision.  Sure, we may be dreamers, but together we are keeping that dream, damn it!  And we will continue to plod along because we all know it...we are doing the RIGHT thing. 

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