Saturday, February 20, 2010

let there be COLOR!

Since December 16h, when a package arrived in the mail containing new clothes from Grandma Cat, Rowan has been wearing the same shirt...EVERY DAY...without fail.  Well, to be specific, she started with the brown hoodie that Grandma sent and moved on to another brown hoodie that I bought about 2 weeks later.  The hope was that she would wear both brown hoodies so I would only need to do laundry every other day instead of every day.  Nice try Mama...but there was only one favorite shirt.  She told me that she was going to continue to wear the shirt until it got a hole in it because she really liked the way it felt on her neck.

By the end of month one, the sleeves were brown instead of white, the buttons wouldn't stay closed, and there was no way possible to make it look clean.  Until the shirt started to look ratty, this really didn't bother me.  There are two things I really liked about this trend: 1. it forced me to do laundry every night and 2. she knew exactly what she was going to wear so there were no morning meltdowns caused by itchy tags, ill fitting tights, worn knees in pants, shirts that make for cold necks, or tags that said 3T instead of 4T (she is, after all, 4 years old.  Not 3, nope, not 3).

This past weekend, when Auntie LoLo was visiting, they went shopping.  She came home with two very colorful new outfits.  So, the 2 month streak is we are on to something new.  It's really nice to see some colorful duds on this girl! 

For the record, she's been alternating between the two outfits everyday since she got them.  At least we have two now...that is a good thing.


  1. Soo Soo Sweet!! You Guys are the best Parents let her express her preferences..God knows I tried..But you two are the super-heros of patience
    .LOLo is the hero over Brown.. So Glad to see the Color is back!!
    .Hey ..I spent time with my Child-hood friend
    Cheryl Today..over- whelms me all she knows and remembers,,We are planning a get-together with child-hood friends soon... it scares me and excites me at the same time.
    Fred has a B'day(also our anniversary)this week..Gonna treat him to sushi tomorrow..with money saved with good shopping.
    Love and love all communication,,I think Charlie Stone is to be a super bowl ref..Hands Up.

  2. HOW FUNNY... I just looked back at your past posts, and indeed Rowan is wearing the very same shirt in all of them. I guess I'm really sleeping at the wheel these days. I'd like to think in my younger days I would have noticed such a thing. Maybe now that we're older and have kids, wearing the same thing every day is in the totally normal category!! BTW, my library didn't have that book, but I can order it from another branch. Plus I grabbed a few others to read in the meantime, see if anything grabs me. :)
